So-Called Paycheck Protection Laws

WHEREAS, legislation spuriously known as paycheck protection aims to remove the ability of unions to collectively bargain for the employer to make automatic deductions of union dues and other fees from the worker’s paycheck; and

WHEREAS, automated processing of union dues and DRIVE contributions adds no substantial additional cost not already associated with the deductions already being made for medical insurance, retirement accounts, charitable contributions and other things at the request of the employee or employer; and

WHEREAS, payroll dues deductions are often one of the first agreements made  by the parties in collective bargaining; and

WHEREAS, federal law already forbids the donation of union dues to political campaigns; and

WHEREAS, proponents of the legislation purposefully confuse fair-share fees, dues and DRIVE contributions; and

WHEREAS, DRIVE contributions are voluntary; and

WHEREAS, restricting the ability of a union member to voluntarily support an organization violates the constitutional right to free association; and

WHEREAS, paycheck protection measures are an undemocratic attempt to  weaken the political strength of unions.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED at this 29th  International  Convention that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters oppose laws restricting deduction of union dues and DRIVE contributions; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that International Brotherhood of Teamsters and its affiliates will work to educate members, the public and elected officials about the real purpose and effect of these laws; and

FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and its affiliates continue to lobby, work in coalitions and identify supportive politicians to stop all efforts to implement laws restricting deduction of union dues and DRIVE contributions and roll back those laws that exist.