Review UPS and UPS Freight Ballot Materials
Below is a list of the 31 different ballot packets being mailed to all UPS and UPS Freight members. Click on a packet to see the following:
Mailing Envelope
Voting Notice and Instructions, including recipient’s name, address and personal access code
Voting Guide, which lists the specific agreements the recipient will be voting on
Image of online introductory screen for members who choose to vote online
Image of online voting screen
Language member will hear if voting by phone
Introductory letter from mailed ballot packet, including highlights and Q and A
Actual agreements, including highlights when available
UPS and UPS Freight Ballot Packets
Atlantic Area Tentative Agreement
Cartage Services Inc (CSI) Tentative Agreement
Cartage Services Inc (CSI) Tentative Agreement (Spanish)
Central Pennsylvania Tentative Agreement
Central Region Tentative Agreement
Joint Council 28 Package & Sort Tentative Agreement
Joint Council 3 Package and Feeder Tentative Agreement
Joint Council 3 Sort Tentative Agreement
Joint Council 37 Package and Sort Tentative Agreement
Local 89 Louisville Air Tentative Agreement
Local 177 Drivers Tentative Agreement
Local 177 Mechanics and Maintenance Tentative Agreement
Local 243 and Metro Detroit Tentative Agreement
Local 344 State of Wisconsin Tentative Agreement
Local 769 Latin America Inc, Miami Air Cargo Tentative Agreement
Local 901 Puerto Rico Tentative Agreement (Spanish)
Local 901 US Virgin Islands and St Thomas Tentative Agreement
Local 959 Alaska Full-Time and Part-Time Tentative Agreement
Local 996 Hawaii Tentative Agreement
Metro Philadelphia Area Tentative Agreement
New England Tentative Agreement
Northern California Supplement and Sort Tentative Agreements
Southern Region Tentative Agreement
Southwest Automotive and Utility Tentative Agreements
Southwest Package and Sort Tentative Agreements
Trailer Conditioners Inc (TCI) Tentative Agreement
Upstate and West New York Tentative Agreement
Western Pennsylvania and Local 926 Car Wash Tentative Agreement