This Week On The Hill 2 29 – 3 4

SENATE FLOOR (for more detail see: http://democrats.senate.gov/floor/)
Monday 2/29: The Senate convenes at 3 p.m.
– The Senate has scheduled a cloture vote on limiting debate on the motion to proceed to the opioid legislation, S. 524. The measure would authorize $77.9 million a year from fiscal 2016 through 2020 for grants awarded by the Health and Human Services and the Justice departments.
Rest of the Week:
– The Senate will continue to work out challenges standing in the way of moving S. 2012, the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015, which would revise programs related to energy cybersecurity, efficiency, infrastructure and supply management.
HOUSE FLOOR (for more detail see: http://www.majorityleader.gov/floor/)
Monday 2/29:
– The House is scheduled to meet at noon to debate nine bills under suspension of the rules.
Tuesday 3/1:
– The House is scheduled to meet at 10 a.m. to consider 12 bills under suspension of the rules.
Wednesday 3/2: The House is scheduled to meet at 10 a.m. to consider, subject to a rule:
– H.R. 3716: Codifies and expands requirements that states share information when they terminate the participation of health-care providers in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Thursday 3/3: The House is scheduled to meet at 9 a.m. to consider:
– H.R. 4557: Blocks environmental standards governing emissions from brick and clay ceramic tile manufacturers.
Friday 3/4:
– No votes expected.
Committee Highlights
(for more detail see: http://www.house.gov/committees/ OR http://www.house.gov/committees/)
House Committee on Appropriations will continue to hear from administration officials about the President’s fiscal 2017 budget request see: http://www.house.gov/committees/
Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on the EB-5 targeted employment areas see: https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/
Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on free trade agreement implementation and lessons from the past see: http://www.finance.senate.gov/
Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on recent reforms and current challenges facing the multiemployer pension system: http://www.finance.senate.gov/
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hold a hearing on several measures including S. 2446 which would allow the EPA to review state plans for disposing of coal ash see: http://www.epw.senate.gov/public/