Headline News
UPS Teamsters, Remember to Vote! Demand Lobbying Accountability At UPS

Teamsters will rally this week at the UPS shareholder meeting in Wilmington, Delaware, and call for lobbying disclosures and accountability at UPS.
A Teamster-sponsored proposal will be presented to shareholders demanding transparent reporting of the company’s lobbying activity, which includes contributions to groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – organizations that undermine the legislative interests of UPS and UPS Teamsters.
If you are a UPS Teamster who owns shares in the company, you can vote for Proposal #5 on the proxy ballot in a number of ways. Class A shareholders with shares in the UPS Stock Fund in the UPS 401(k) Savings Plan can vote over the internet, by telephone, by mail or in person at the annual meeting as if you were a registered shareowner.
To vote online in advance of the meeting, go to www.proxyvote.com. You can also cast your vote using a smartphone or other mobile device by scanning the QR code from your proxy materials using the camera on your device. If you received a proxy card by mail and want to vote by phone, call the toll-free number on your card to vote your shares.
Internet, mobile device and telephone voting is available 24 hours a day and is accessible until 11:59 pm Eastern Time on Wednesday, May 3. Voting in advance by mail is also available if you received your proxy card by mail. Simply mark your proxy card, date and sign it, and return it in the postage-paid envelope.
In the event that you cannot locate your proxy control number, go to the Proxy website on www.UPSers.com and there you will find the Proxy Control Number Request Form. If you do not see the Vote Your Proxy link on the main page of UPSers.com, then you can search for it in the top right search window (enter the text “Vote Your Proxy”).
For those who hold class B shares through a bank or broker, you should refer to your voting instruction form, the notice or other information sent to you by your bank or broker to see which voting options are available to you.
All votes must be cast prior to or at the annual meeting.
“Teamsters who own UPS shares have a voice in the company and need to make their voices heard by voting. We urge everyone to help shine a spotlight on UPS’s lobbying efforts by voting for Proposal 5,” said Teamsters Package Division Director Sean O’Brien.
For more information, contact IBT Capital Strategies Department at (202) 624-8100 or capitalstrategies@teamster.org.