
Message From Women’s Conference Director on Anniversary of 19th Amendment


Teamsters Women's Conference Director Nina Bugbee Joins Teamsters in Celebrating 100th Anniversary of 19th Amendment Giving Women Right to Vote

August 18, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote.

It’s been a century since women could first cast a ballot. This may seem like a long time ago, but 100 years ago we were facing similar challenges—a global pandemic, and a movement of disenfranchised and marginalized members of our society rising up for justice and equality.

The right to vote is a powerful one and one that we must never take for granted.

I’m so proud to be a Teamster because we are a union of powerful women who lead!

We are the nurses, respiratory therapists, and health care workers fighting to save lives on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are the delivery drivers delivering medical supplies and household items, and keeping our economy running.

We are the sanitation workers keeping our communities clean.

While doing all of this, we are also caregivers—we look after our grandparents, parents, children and other relatives, working to care for them, especially during these difficult times.

We are a union of incredible sisters (and brothers!). We fight for justice in the workplace and we enshrine it in our gender and color-blind contracts. The Teamsters Union has fought for years to make sure workers have good safety and health standards, wages and benefits, protections and a voice on the job—while we stand up against income inequality, racism, sexism, and economic injustice.

We fight for justice at the negotiation table, on the picket line, and just as importantly, at the ballot box.

It’s 2020 and women are still the targets of demeaning and degrading language and efforts to be silenced. Our sisters fought hard for the right to vote, which means a right to exercise our voice, because our voice counts. We are the majority, and we are not going backwards!

Every election is important. Your vote is important. Teamsters, I encourage you to visit, to learn how register to vote. It’s our right and our duty to our country and our future.

–Nina Bugbee, Teamsters Women’s Conference Director