Headline News
Hazmat Training Courses for Rail Workers

Two Courses Available in May
The Rail Workers Hazardous Materials Training Program is offering two virtual class in May: a Disaster Recovery/Response Course; and a DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety and Security Course.
• May 17, 2021: Disaster Recovery/Response Course
The Disaster Response Recovery course is training for workers and community members who live and work in areas that are likely to be impacted by a hurricane. The course satisfies the requirements to assist workers and communities in recovery from natural and man-made disasters. The class will be conducted May 17 at noon (Eastern). Download a flyer here: www.ble-t.org/pr/pdf/Hurricane_prep_flyer.pdf.
• May 19-20, 2021 and May 24-25, 2021: Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety and Security Course
The Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety and Security Course provides safety and security awareness training that is required by the Department of Transportation (DOT) for hazmat transportation workers. This course also provides OSHA first responder awareness-level training. The course is intended for railroad workers who are involved in the transportation of hazmat and who may be the first on the scene or the first to witness a release of hazardous materials, or be aware of a security threat. Various topics will be addressed during the 8-hour course held over two days (4 hours per day) such as the role of the first responder, federal regulatory agencies, DOT’s regulations on hazmat, recognizing and identifying hazmat in transportation and more. The class is being offered May 19-20, 2021, and May 24-25, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern time (four hours per day/both days). An incentive of $175 is available to participants who complete this course (to qualify for the stipend, you cannot attend one day in the first class and then the second portion in the later class). Download a flyer here: www.ble-t.org/pr/pdf/Rail_hazmat_flyer.pdf.
To register for these classes, click here: www.teamstersafety.org/moodle. (Enrollment key: Rail)
The Rail Workers Hazardous Materials Training Program is funded to provide this training by a federal grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). For more information about this program, please visit:
railworkertrainingprogram.org .