Press Releases
Strike Looming Over Inequities at Republic Services in Washington

Press Contact: Paul Zilly Phone: (206) 794-6673 Email:
(TUKWILA, WA) – Hundreds of recycle and yard waste drivers employed at Republic Services and Waste Management will gather at the Teamsters Union Hall in Tukwila, WA, on Saturday, but each group will have a very different purpose: Drivers at Republic Services will be voting to authorize a strike while Teamsters at Waste Management will be voting on a fully recommended contract proposal.
The Republic Services Strike Authorization Vote and Waste Management Contract Ratification Vote will take place on Saturday, May 22 at 11 a.m. at the Teamsters Union Hall in Tukwila. Drivers from both companies will be available to speak to the media before the start of the meetings at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday.
“While Waste Management worked constructively with the union in contract negotiations to resolve inequities in the workplace, Republic Services continues to undervalue its recycle and yard waste drivers,” said John Scearcy, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 117. “You know a company like Republic Services has its priorities mixed up when it doles out more than $110 million in compensation to its CEO but is unwilling to honor its essential drivers who have served the community since the beginning of the pandemic.”