Press Releases

Teamsters Local 2 Leader Foley Elected President of Montana AFL-CIO

Foley photo

Press Contact: Erin Foley Phone: (406) 494-2747

(BUTTE, Mont.) – Teamsters Local 2 Secretary-Treasurer Erin Foley today was elected President of the Montana AFL-CIO, which represents more than 50,000 unionized workers in the Big Sky State, the organization announced.

Born and raised in a strong union family, Foley is a graduate of Montana Tech and became a Teamster in 2010 while working at a radiology tech at St. James Hospital in Butte. She was hired by the union as a business agent three years later, where she represented workers in both the public and private sectors.

Most recently, Foley was appointed Secretary-Treasurer and Principal Officer of Local 2 in 2019, where she is responsible for the management of the union as well as her continued role as business agent. She also helped lead the effort in Montana to defeat so-called right to work and other anti-worker bills during the 2021 state legislative session.

“The attack on labor in Montana over the last year has been extreme, however collectively we came together as brothers and sisters and were able to defeat right to work, pension and paycheck attacks that would have destroyed our unions,” she said. “I am honored to accept this nomination and I pledge to continue working and building the momentum of strong union power and working together to protect democracy in the workplace, protect local economies, keep Wall Street corporate power out of Montana and stand up to fight this so-called right-to-work.”

The Montana AFL-CIO is the leading voice of organized labor in the state, with its roots going back to 1895. The organization continues its work as an advocate for Montana’s working families, lobbying on issues such as workplace safety, the economics of a living wage and the need for progressive legislation to keep our lands public and our environment healthy.