Press Releases
Rhode Island Teamsters Enter Second Week on the Picket Line at Northeast Transportation Services

Unfair Labor Practice Strike Continues for Logistics Drivers in Pawtucket
(PAWTUCKET, R.I.) – Today marks a full week on the picket line for more than 60 drivers employed by Northeast Transportation Services in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Workers are currently picketing 24 hours a day at the facility to demand wages high enough to keep pace with the cost of living, as well as affordable healthcare and retirement benefits.
“This company doesn’t care about us. We are overworked and underpaid. Now, they are bringing outside scab labor and paying them more than we make. They can afford to treat us better. Our health care is too high, and our wages are too low. We are standing up for ourselves to let this company know that we deserve better,” said Jerry Porter, a driver for Northeast Transportation Services and member of Local 251.
On June 22, Local 251 members went on strike in response to unfair labor practices by the company. In addition to wages and health care, workers at Northeast Transportation Services are also fighting for retirement benefits and safety improvements, noting that equipment and vehicles at the facility are unsafe and dangerous, putting both workers and the general public at risk.
“Workers are fed up with this company. They know they deserve better, and they decided to do something about it. Our members are committed to staying on strike until Northeast Transportation ends its pattern of anti-worker, anti-union behavior and negotiates a fair contract that provides workers with proper wages, benefits and standards,” said Matt Taibi, International Vice President and Local 251 Secretary-Treasurer.
Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.2 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter at @Teamsters and on Facebook at