
Teamsters Call on CSX Transportation to End Lockout in Baltimore


Press Contact: Daniel Moskowitz Phone: (770) 262-4971 Email:

(BALTIMORE) – For over a week, 40 Teamster Carhaulers in Baltimore have been locked out at the CSX railhead in Annapolis Junction, Md.

The lockout began on May 9 after negotiations broke down between Auto Warehousing Company (AWC) and Teamsters Local 355.

“We will not allow CSX to disrupt the lives of our members and inflict hardship on innocent families,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “This company’s reckless actions have far-reaching consequences. Teamsters denounce this deplorable corporate behavior. We will hold CSX accountable.”

The Teamsters are calling CSX and its subsidiary, TDSI, to immediately end the lockout by bidding the work to a responsible contractor.

“Teamsters have worked for decades to keep operations running safely and smoothly at CSX, only to be disregarded by a company that puts profits over people. Our members and their families will receive the support of the entire Teamsters Union in this fight. CSX must learn to care for workers instead of blindly pursuing profits,” said Avral Thompson, Teamsters Carhaul Director and Central Region International Vice President. “The Annapolis Junction yard has long been a model for properly unloading vehicles from the rail. CSX should be ashamed.”

Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.2 million hardworking people in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and “like” us on Facebook at