Press Releases

Meriden Public School Bus Drivers Reach Agreement to End Strike


Passenger Transport Teamsters Return to Work After Winning 6 Percent Pay Hike

Press Contact: Kate Yeager Email:

(MERIDEN, Conn.) – New Britain Transportation bus operators represented by Teamsters Local 671 have reached an agreement with the company, ending a two-day strike. Local 671 represents 57 drivers who provide student transportation for Meriden Public Schools.

Workers will immediately receive a six percent wage increase and improved charter rates.

“After two days on strike and many months at the bargaining table, we are thrilled to have finally secured a strong agreement for New Britain Transportation drivers,” said Nick Frangiamore, Local 671 Field Representative. “These workers love their job and did not want to strike, but New Britain Transportation left us without a choice. Drivers are ecstatic to get back behind the wheel, see students, and bring home a dignified paycheck.”

As a result of New Britain Transportation’s abhorrent treatment of workers and forcing them to strike, the City of Meriden has decided to end its contract with New Britain Transportation several years early. New Britain Transportation will remain the transportation provider for Meriden Public Schools until a new vendor is contracted.

“Teamsters represent tens of thousands of workers across the nation at various bussing companies. We look forward to working with a new contractor who will offer these workers a fair contract and respect,” added Frangiamore.

Teamsters Local 671 represents workers in transportation, construction, and many other industries throughout Central Connecticut. For more information, go to