
Teamster Endorsed Candidate Tom Suozzi Meets With Long Island Teamsters


Union Members Discuss Importance of Organized Labor and Pro-Worker Legislation

Press Contact: Matt McQuaid  Phone: (617) 894-0669 Email:

This morning, ahead of the pivotal NY-03 special election, Teamster-endorsed candidate Rep. Tom Suozzi met with UPS Teamsters in Uniondale, New York. Together, they underscored the vital role of organized labor, the ongoing battle for equitable wages, and the importance of electing representatives who will champion working-class people.

“We need a representative in Washington who will advocate for the working class,” said Vinnie Perrone, President of Teamsters Local 804 and Eastern Region Package Director. “Throughout his political career, Tom Suozzi has consistently demonstrated that he will stand up for working people. Today’s election is critical, and it’s essential that we show up at the polls to ensure our voices are heard.”

Suozzi previously served in Congress and as Nassau County Executive. During his time in Congress, Suozzi demonstrated an unwavering support for union workers, pushing for the restoration of pensions as one of the original co-sponsors of the Butch-Lewis Act, legislation that preserved retirement security for hundreds of thousands of Teamster retirees. Suozzi has also been a dedicated proponent of prevailing wage laws throughout his political career.

In the lead-up to the election, dozens of Teamster volunteers from New York local unions 202, 282, 456, 553, 812, and 817 have been canvassing neighborhoods, engaging voters on the significance of the special election, and rallying support for sending Suozzi to Washington D.C. Polls in the NY-03 are open from 6 am to 9 pm today. If you’re a resident of Queens or Nassau County and you need to find your polling place, click here:

Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.3 million hardworking people in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and “like” us on Facebook at