
Local 41 Cannabis Workers Rally to Be Recognized as Teamsters

Local Cannabis Smithfield MO

Teamsters Local 41 recently rallied with workers of the Local Cannabis dispensary in Smithville, Mo., to demand the company drop its claim before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that the workforce is ineligible for collective bargaining rights.

“The company’s trying to say they’re all agriculture workers who aren’t covered by the National Labor Relations Act or Missouri state law,” said Matthew Daniel, Local 41 Business Agent. “This isn’t remotely true.”

“These workers are banding together because they know that the best way to make this industry prosperous and sustainable for the long haul is with a Teamsters contract,” said Peter Finn, Teamsters Western Region International Vice President and Teamsters Food Processing Division Director. “We’re encouraging the NLRB to do the right thing by delivering a decision in favor of Local Cannabis’ workforce as expeditiously as possible.”

Despite the company’s obstinance, Local Cannabis staff has kept its union organizing campaign’s momentum and solidarity going as they await a decision from the NLRB.

“We are all passionate about our jobs,” said Casamire Isbell, a Local Cannabis worker. “We want to stay here and make this our careers.”