Press Releases
Rail Teamsters Ratify Contract at CSX

New Labor Agreement Secures Improvements for Nearly 4,200 Workers
Press Contact: Daniel Moskowitz Phone: (770) 262-4971 Email:
(NOVI, Mich.) – Nearly 4,200 CSX railroad workers represented by the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division (BMWED) of the Teamsters Rail Conference have ratified a new contract.
“Our members needed a fair deal that put more money in their pockets and kept politicians and bureaucrats out of the bargaining process. We accomplished this,” said Tony Cardwell, President of the BMWED. “We’ve improved many important rules, locked in bonus structures for vital positions, and made gains in vacation and health insurance without increases in employee contributions — all important gains and unprecedented in modern rail bargaining.”
The new five-year agreement secures big wins for thousands of CSX Teamsters, including raises of 18.77 percent compounded over the life of the contract, a reduction in the time needed to accumulate vacation, improved health and welfare benefits, and significant improvements to local work rules.
“CSX is very profitable, and that would not be possible without the hard work of our members,” said Nate Trawick, General Chairman of the BMWED’s Allied Federation. “Railroaders are some of the strongest workers in America, and this contract makes sure they will be paid and treated fairly for years to come.”
CSX is a Class 1 freight railroad — one of the largest in the country — covering over 10,000 miles of track across the eastern United States and Canada.
“This contract is a victory not just for CSX workers but also for each and every man and woman in this country who keep our railroads running,” said Jason Graham, General Chairman of the BMWED’s Alliance System Federation. “Our members stayed united and are being rewarded for their hard work.”
Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.3 million hardworking people in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and “like” us on Facebook at