
2011 IBT Convention Resolutions

PulteGroup Resolution

WHEREAS, residential construction workers in Arizona and Nevada, with the help of the Building Justice Campaign (the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 15 and the Sheet Metal Workers International Association), are fighting to improve their pay, benefits and working conditions and to have a voice in the workplace; and

Port Driver Organizing Resolution

WHEREAS, the Teamsters Union is leading an innovative campaign to organize 110,000 port drivers nationwide; and

Protecting Teamster Participants from Pension-Destroying Investors

WHEREAS, unbridled excess on Wall Street led to the worst financial crisis in the United States since the Great Depression; and

Immigration Reform

WHEREAS, the United States is a nation of immigrants founded on the shared ideals and rights of democracy, freedom of speech, religious tolerance and equal opportunity; and

Health Care in America

WHEREAS, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has historically been at the forefront on health issues and continues to be so today; and

Health and Welfare Benefits

WHEREAS, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has fought for, and presently sustains, some of the most generous health and welfare benefits in the United States through collective bargaining; and

Financial Reform

WHEREAS, the nation is struggling to recover from the aftermath of a full-blown global economic crisis and the worst, most prolonged recession in decades; and

Federal Express

WHEREAS, FedEx continues to hide behind legal loopholes and misclassify employees to keep workers from enjoying the same rights as other similarly situated employees in the industry; and

Energy/Green Jobs

WHEREAS, Scientific evidence has confirmed that human use of fossil fuels is undisputedly contributing to global warming, causing rising sea levels, changes in climate patterns and threats to coastal areas; and

International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ Commitment to Helping Members and Communities in Need Through the Teamsters Disaster Relief Fund

WHEREAS, the Teamsters Disaster Relief Fund is a charitable 501 (c)(3) fund established in 1991 to assist victims of natural disasters long after the media has forgotten; and

Coalition Bargaining Resolution

WHEREAS, the cornerstone for successful collective bargaining has historically been unity in purpose and solidarity in action; and

IBT Support for Rail Conference Members at Amtrak

WHEREAS, the future of Amtrak is uncertain and many within the federal government, Amtrak management, railroads, and private industry have initiated policies and practices which are detrimental to members of the Teamsters Rail Conference at Amtrak; and

Transportation Safety

WHEREAS, whether by land, sea or air, the Teamsters Union represents hundreds of thousands of transportation workers who move cargo and people throughout the United States, and;

Truck Size and Weight

WHEREAS, the trucking industry is lobbying Congress to increase truck size and weight, and;

Union Label Printing

WHEREAS, the printing trades have evolved from the slow, labor-intensive hand press of Guttenberg to the fast-paced digital printing that is available today, and

National Days of Action: A Campaign to Defend and Expand Labor Rights & Power

WHEREAS, the attacks on the trade unions as the main defenders and promoters of worker rights has intensified, allowing the corporations to restructure the economy in ways that have that forced down wages, the standard of living of workers, and decimated the base of organized labor in the private sector;

National Sanitation Organizing

WHEREAS, the power of the Teamsters Union depends on the strength of our members; and


WHEREAS, with record high unemployment in the U.S. and a large trade deficit, future trade policies must focus on job creation in the U.S. based on a new framework for negotiating trade agreements; and

The Fight to Preserve Jobs and Standards

WHEREAS, the economic crisis that is still with us led to enormous pressure on dozens of Teamster employers, both big and small, to restructure their operations and balance sheets to survive, and

Teamsters Local 2010 Contract Struggle

WHEREAS, the University of California is one of the nation’s largest university systems, with 10 campuses, five medical centers and three national laboratories;

Worker Misclassification

WHEREAS, statistical evidence has proven that the practice of worker misclassification has skyrocketed over the last twenty-five years at a rate of 7% increase annually, negatively impacting workers and businesses which play by the rules, and both state and federal governments in that a handful of bad-acting employers receive  an unfair advantage over competitors. In fact, studies indicate up to 48% of all independent contractors nationwide may be misclassified employees; and

Vision, Solidarity, Action: Stop The War On Workers

WHEREAS, the jobs, wages, and benefits of tens of millions of Americans are under assault by a coordinated War on Workers, and

Right-to-Work (For Less)

WHEREAS, throughout the country, corporate CEOs and their conservative allies in governors’ offices, statehouses and Congress are attempting a coordinated War on Workers to eliminate basic workplace rights through an anti-worker legislative agenda; and

Strategic Campaign and Teamster Organizing Models

WHEREAS, the Strategic Campaign and Teamster Organizing Models are key to both building Teamster power and maintaining strong contracts and job stability for our members;

Supporting the NLRB

WHEREAS, Congress created the National Labor Relations Board more than 75 years ago by passing the National Labor Relations Act;

Social Security/Medicare

WHEREAS, Social Security has operated as a retirement security program for more than 75 years and provides a substantial safety net for more than 53 million Americans, including retirees, the disabled, children and families; and Medicare has provided quality affordable health care for nearly 45 million Americans annually since 1965; and

Independent Oversight

WHEREAS, the International Union entered into a Consent Decree with the United States on March 14, 1989 to resolve a civil lawsuit titled United States v. Teamsters, and

International Brotherhood Of Teamsters’ Commitment To Encourage And Promote Diversity Of Its Membership At All Levels Within The Organization

WHEREAS, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is proud of its history of unifying its diverse group of 1.4 million working men and women from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds to advance their economic, social and political interests; and

High-Speed Rail

WHEREAS, the Teamsters Rail Conference, comprised of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen and the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division, supports the development of high-speed passenger rail in America; and

Coordinated Bargaining & Organizing

WHEREAS, Teamster Local Unions must increasingly bargain with large multinational or national corporations that have grown significantly through acquisitions and consolidation;

Putting Working Families First, Make Wall Street Pay

WHEREAS, the economic crisis that began in 2008 continues to destroy the jobs, homes, and living conditions of millions of American workers, and

WHEREAS, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters maintains a political action committee named “DRIVE” for Democrat, Republican, Independent Voter Education; and

2012 Elections

WHEREAS, there will be a presidential election for U.S. president in 2012; and


WHEREAS, the best defense in the War on Workers is a strong offense, our goal as a union is to build a movement of workers in and across industries, companies, regions and markets in order to build Teamster power;

Driving Up Standards

WHEREAS, delegates to the 27th Convention resolved that the Teamsters adopt the privatized school bus industry as a priority for organizing;

Honorary Member – Mansour Osanloo, Labor Rights in Iran

WHEREAS, in July 2007, Mansour Osanloo, President of the Tehran Bus Workers’ Union, was dragged from a Tehran bus by Iranian security forces. Three months later he was sentenced to five years in prison on charges of “acting against national security” and “propaganda against the state”; in 2010 another year was added to his sentence. His only crime has been to help found a genuinely democratic trade union for his fellow bus drivers in Iran; and

Global Solidarity and Strategies

As Teamster employers have increasingly become global, we have developed transnational organizing and bargaining campaigns.

Secure Pensions for Retirement Security

WHEREAS, retirement benefits are part of the compensation negotiated in collective bargaining and earned by covered participants as they perform their labor over the years; and

Stop the War on Workers

WHEREAS, the jobs, wages, and benefits of tens of millions of Americans are under assault by a coordinated War on Workers, and

Protecting Public Employees

WHEREAS, the Teamsters’ representation within the Public Services Division exceeds a quarter of a million dedicated women and men at all levels of government, as well as certain private employers engaged in providing essential services; and

Cross-Border Trucking

WHEREAS, at the urging of the Teamsters Union, Congress defunded the Bush-era Mexican Cross-Border Trucking Program in 2009 over safety concerns; and