Workers’ Memorial Day Activities – 2023

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Workers’ Memorial Day Activities – 2023

This year, on April 28th, please join your co-workers and all workers to commemorate Workers’ Memorial Day. Teamsters across the country can organize and conduct various activities detailed below to honor and remember those we have lost to a workplace injury or illness. Please report any activities you organize or participate in and send along with any videos or pictures (preferably digital) to the Teamsters Safety and Health Department so that we may publicize the event in Division newsletters and by other means.  On Workers Memorial Day we must mourn the dead and continue to fight for the living until the promise of safe jobs is a reality.

What You Can Do on Workers’ Memorial Day:

For additional assistance, contact the Teamsters Safety and Health Department,
25 Louisiana Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
Phone: 202-624-6960; Fax: 202-624-8740,