Press Releases

Richmond Public Sector Workers Vote to Join Teamsters

RVA Labor and Trades

More Than 600 Labor and Trades Workers Choose Teamsters Local 322

Press Contact: Matt Maciejczak Phone: (804) 321-0356 Email:

(RICHMOND, Va.) – Workers in the City of Richmond’s Department of Public Works, Department of Public Utilities, and Department of Parks and Recreation have voted to join Teamsters Local 322. This massive organizing victory is the first time that any union has represented City of Richmond workers.

“We’re thrilled to welcome this group of Virginia public sector workers to the Teamsters,” said Brian Peyton, President of Local 322. “These 600 workers play a critical role in the Richmond community – and they deserve a contract that is reflective of the important nature of their work. Local 322 looks forward to getting these hardworking Teamsters the best possible contract.”

“We’ve sent a clear message in Richmond that no worker should be denied their rights. The Teamsters will continue to organize, fight back, and rise above anti-union forces,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “Public sector workers have shown they are empowered and committed to improving their livelihoods. No matter the industry, workers are fed up and want representation.”

Prior to May 2021, public sector workers in the Commonwealth of Virginia were not able to collectively bargain. In February 2023, Local 322 filed a petition with the Richmond City Labor Administrator to initiate an election for the labor and trades bargaining unit.

“We voted to have the Teamsters represent us workers because we wanted respect on the job and to be a part of the strongest union family in North America,” said Mavis Green, maintenance and operations crew chief for the City of Richmond’s Department of Public Works. “We’re excited to have power at the bargaining table and we can’t wait to get our very first union contract. Richmond’s slogan is ‘one city, our city,’ but now, we are a Teamsters city!”

“This organizing victory is a clear indication that workers across the Commonwealth know their worth and are determined to get a union contract,” said Dwayne Johnson, Organizing Director at Local 322. “Richmond public sector workers know that the best way to get higher wages, better benefits, and respect on the job is with a Teamster contract. We’re pleased to welcome more than 600 workers to Local 322 and look forward to organizing other public sector workers in Virginia.”

Teamsters Local 322, the second-largest Teamsters local union in Virginia, represents more than 1,600 workers in various industries throughout Richmond, Virginia, and surrounding areas. For more information, visit