Get Your Guarantee

Protecting Teamster work at UPS means ensuring our members are getting their guaranteed hours. When the company sends UPSers home in violation of their guaranteed hours, it opens the door to more supervisors working and more layoffs. Full-time and part-time UPSers are entitled to an 8-hour day and 3.5-hour day, respectively. Please use the materials in this toolkit to educate part-timers about their 3.5-hour guarantee and full-timers about the right to 8 hours of pay each day.

We have also included a new tracking sheet in this toolkit to help members record 9.5 violations during the calendar year so they can be ready to request a 9.5 compliance meeting with the company after the fifth 9.5 penalty grievance has been paid out.

In this toolkit:

Get Your Guarantee Leaflet

Click below to download

Rally Sign and Social Media Graphics

Click below to download rally sign file

Click here for a list of Teamster printers and contact the International Union’s Department of Strategic Initiatives directly at 202-624-6911 to connect with a Teamster printer.

The following guidelines for printing should be shared with the printer you use:
• Sign size: 18″ x 12″
• The sign is full color, full bleed

Click below to download social media graphic

Use language from the leaflet for social media posts with this graphic.

New 9.5 Compliance Tracking Sheet

Use the following sheet to track each week when there is a 9.5 violation. When you have MORE THAN FOUR (4) paid out in the year, get with your Teamster steward to request your 9.5 compliance meeting.

Reminder: Contract Enforcement Trainings

Contract Enforcement Trainings are available to assist locals with educating business agents, stewards, and rank-and-filers on contract enforcement at UPS. Trainings have been held at more than 100 locals so far. This five-hour program includes an overview of:

If your local is interested in hosting a Contract Enforcement Training by the International, please reach out to the Training and Grants Department at (202) 624-8724.

Quick Tips for Stewards

Share Photos & Videos

Follow the instructions below for submitting photos and videos from your local union’s contract enforcement activities, parking lot meetings, etc. We will feature content from UPS locals on the International’s social media platforms.

To submit image or video files from your phone:

  1. CLICK HERE to upload files and indicate your local union and location of the action. OR…
  2. Open the UPS Teamsters app, click on the ≡ menu icon on the top left of the screen, and select “Share Action Photos/Videos.” Upload your files and indicate your local union. OR…
  3. Email your files to Remember to include your local union, as well as the UPS center/location where the action took place.