Labor Standards

7/18/17 Letter from President Hoffa to House Appropriations Committee Leadership urging opposition to the draft FY 2018 Appropriations Bill for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies.

5/17/17 Letter from President Hoffa to the United States Senate expressing opposition to the Working Families Flexibility Act (Comp time bill) which would erode the forty-hour workweek protections afforded under the  Fair Labor Standards Act.

4/24/17 Letter from President Hoffa opposing legislation that would allow employers to offer compensatory time off in lieu of cash paid out at time and a half – House

3/28/17 Letter from President Hoffa  opposing the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act on the grounds that it would exempt all workers at tribal owned industries from protections under the NLRA – House

3/28/17 Letter from President Hoffa  opposing the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act on the grounds that it would exempt all workers at tribal owned industries from protections under the NLRA – Senate

3/10/17 Letter from President Hoffa opposing the resolution that would overturn an OSHA rule clarifying an employers obligation to make and maintain accurate records of recordable injury and illness – Senate

2/27/17 Letter from President Hoffa opposing the resolution that would overturn an OSHA rule clarifying an employers obligation to make and maintain accurate records of recordable injury and illness – House

2/13/17 Letter from President Hoffa opposing attempts to overturn the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order which requires contractors to disclose labor violations if they hold federal contracts – Senate

2/1/17 Letter from President Hoffa opposing attempts to overturn the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order which requires contractors to disclose labor violations if they hold federal contracts – House

07/18/2016 JPH Letter Opposing Attacks to DOL Overtime Regulation

07/12/2016 JPH Letter Opposing Anti-Labor Riders in 2017 Spending Bills

11/6/2015 Letter from President Hoffa Opposing H.R. 511 the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act

10/28/2015 Letter from President Hoffa Opposing H.R. 3459 the Protecting local Business Opportunity Act.

6/23/2015 Letter from President Hoffa Opposing FY 2016 Labor HHS Appropriations Bill

3/13/2015 Letter from President Hoffa Opposing S. J. Res 8, which provides for congressional disapproval of the NLRB streamline election rule

Selection of Statements on Federal Legislation addressing Labor Rights and Standards